Buyer's Guide

Prepare for Your Home-buying Journey with a Trusted Advisor and Top-producing Agent on Your Side


Whether you’ve owned a home before or you’re a first-timer preparing to start a new chapter in your life, buying a home is a momentous occasion that should be celebrated. However, it’s also a challenging process that can ignite a variety of emotions ranging from excitement to stress. The best way to handle the process without becoming overwhelmed is to be prepared and have the best possible real estate professional in your corner.

While David certainly has the experience to streamline the buying process, the real reason he makes such an excellent buyer’s agent is less about awards and statistics and more about his genuine desire to help his clients achieve their goals. Not only will David become a trusted advocate to you and your family, but he is also an excellent resource, advisor, partner, counselor, negotiator, and strategist.

A top-producing agent in the Triangle market for ten years (and in the past several years routinely in the top handful of individual agents in the Triangle), David arms his clients with the knowledge they need to make smart, educated decisions when faced with obstacles. David understands market dynamics and can help you realize the full potential of possibilities available to you when you’re considering making a real estate purchase or investment.


Beginning Your Search

Despite how it can appear on HGTV, house hunting isn’t always an easy task. And the more difficult this market gets, the more imperative it is to have expertise and experience on your side. Agent excellent matters.

Not only does David understand the ever-changing market landscape, but he has access to innovative and sophisticated technology that can streamline your search based on specific criteria.

A typical first step when launching a new search with David is simply sitting and talking. Before thinking about specific homes, David is going to want to understand what is driving the decision to purchase, what goals, timelines, and obstacles are in play, and what life looks like outside of the day job. It’s rarely about the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Much more frequently, it’s really about what we want our life to be like.

Sure, the infamous list of wants and would-likes will help, but that’s just the beginning. David is just as likely to ask you about commute time to work and your favorite restaurants and things to do in your downtime as he is detailed questions about square feet and acreage. While you don’t have to know every detail, understanding your own wants and needs will drastically narrow your search and shorten the time it takes to find your dream home. He can also give you an overview of what the process is likely to involve -- from lenders to inspectors and closing attorneys and painter recommendations.


Making An Offer

Don’t believe what you might read in the press. You can emerge victorious with a contract on a home -- you just need an agent that knows how to get you there. There’s more to an offer than price and these days there are at least half a dozen moving pieces in an offer that can be strategically implemented. Networking matters, David’s relationship with the agent on the other side, and who is backing your offer matters. Whereas ten years ago we tended to talk about this process in terms of “negotiation,” today the process is better described as strategic understanding and using every available advantage to achieve our goal.

The right combination of price, deposits, loan terms, contingencies, dates, and waivers can be the difference between winding up in the middle of the pack of ten to forty offers and holding the signed contract on the other side. While David works with buyers across the entire price spectrum, his personal pride and joy are his first-time home buyers. Sure, winning the multi-million dollar home for the savvy and experienced home buyer is exciting, but helping a first-timer learn the process, overcome doubts and emerge victorious is downright fulfilling.

It’s not just about finding the right set of bricks and sticks to call home — buying is about making an important life decision and one that often comes in tandem with other major life changes happening at the same time. David is here to help and to take away some of the anxiety and stress out of the process. You might even find the process fun. If you’re ready to start the next step, contact him today to schedule a consultation.


Home Search


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